The Young Entrepreneurs program of TiE Chandigarh conducted the second session on Design Thinking  with Ms. Deepti Sawhney, CEO and founder Mahattattva Educational advisory Pvt. Ltd. as the special guest of the evening. Ms Ritika Singh, who heads the Kontent Factory, encouraged the students with her infectious energy. The session aimed at inculcation of creative thinking in the children to help them design better products, services and strategies . As described by Ms.Deepti design thinking is the problem solving technique which has empathy as it’s backbone. Design thinking is followed to come up with the solution for a problem which is being faced by a person or a community.

Theory of Design Thinking: Design thinking is gradual, human centred process which evolves at each step with the input of constructive feedback as every feedback points towards improvement. While designing a product or a service , the idea should be to make it scalable , rational and incremental.

 For the session children were divided in teams and were asked to identify core challenges faced by the general public in a given time limit. The next step led the children to create a problem statement for the core challenge they decided to take up for the session. The problem statement is what the focus of the project should be. 

An amazingly unique interactive session was framed where the children where guided to think about the solution of their core challenges and creation of a prototype with 3D models and charts as a way of expression. The time of 1 hour was ascertained to the children for the completion of the task .Children came up with interesting models and prototypes which touched very crucial problems of the ongoing world like managing traffic, drainage and organic farming etc. The two main aspects of creation of prototype were:

* Go global 

* Understand its impact on the community

Ms.Deepti helped children understand the importance of design thinking as the prototype created by them was just a draft of the final product and needs feedback sessions to improve and create a final product.She further added that design thinking works on the needs of a community and shared her experience of the project “Saksham” which aimed at creating walking stick for the blind people designed with sensors for easy usage and cheaper costs . 

The workshop ended with a feedback session where in each team gave a constructive feedback to their peers for the enhancement of the project on to the further levels. Through the whole session,the children were introduced to the process of design thinking on a lower level. The whole session inculcated the importance of design thinking to solve daily life problems. The session was conducted at the Learning Paths school, Mohali. Mr Robin Aggarwal has been providing his unstinting support to the TiE initiative. Tutortot is proud to be associated with TYE Chandigarh as their blogging partners. Call Mr. Davinder Pratap Singh - 97815 14111 for more information on TYE .We will be back soon with more ''Tricity Bits & Bytes''.